SAP:- System Application Products in data processing - was setup by five ex IBM employees in 1972 to process Integrated Business Software Solutions and all functionalities of an organization covering virtually every aspect of the business management across industries. SAP Products are used by over 12 million people in more than 250 countries. It is the fourth largest company in the world.
SAP applications built around their latest SAP R/3 (The “R” was for “Realtime Data Processing”) is a well-known business software which aims at providing end to end business solutions related to finance, distribution and logistics, etc., R/3 system provides the capability to manage financial, asset, and cost accounting, production operations.
To bridge the gap between the industry and students SAP has come down to reach students. It has signed an MOU with few colleges to train SAP finance to B.Com students. Keeping in view, the interest of the students HRD has signed an MOU with IPA. HRD is a first college in Hyderabad to sign this MOU. Nearly 30 students are undergoing training.